What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Have you ever wondered what leaky gut is? It is a condition that more and more people have been talking about lately. Rightly so, because the health of your gut is crucial to the overall health of your body. Gut health is crucial to avoiding illness, adequate healing, hormone balance, mood stability, and energy. Therefore, what can you do to help optimize your gut health?

Dr. Hayden and Dr. Horsley will help to clear up some of these questions as they begin this series, “Leaky Gut Syndrome – Your Symptoms Could be Directly Associated with Your Diet”. You will learn about what leaky gut is, what the symptoms are, how it is diagnosed, what the best treatment options are, and common conditions tied to leaky gut. These videos will be released over the next couple days on our youtube account, facebook account, and as a blog post on The Hayden Institute website.

Transcript From Video on Leaky Gut Syndrome:

Dr. Hayden: Thank you again for joining us today for this little mini video series. Today’s topic is leaky gut. You may or may not have ever heard of leaky gut before, but hopefully by the end of our little mini series you’ll know what it is, how it potentially affects you or someone you know, and more importantly, how to get better after having it. So to begin with, Dr. Horsley, if you were gonna give a layman’s definition of leaky gut, what would you say it is?

Dr. Horsley: So leaky gut is kind of how it sounds. It is where bacteria and toxins or things that shouldn’t be getting through the gut barrier, do. Naturally, in our gut, things are able to get through the lining – that’s how we absorb vitamins, minerals, and nutrients from our foods. However, what happens in leaky gut is that different things we eat start to create inflammation. This rise in inflammation results in these gaps in our gut either become broken down, get too big, or have issues that allow these different things, bacteria, toxins, or just foods itself that shouldn’t be getting through, to get through. This can then trigger a cascade of other issues and symptoms.

Dr. Hayden: Therefore, what you’re saying is leaky gut happens whenever our digestive system that has this natural protective barrier is no longer keeping things out like it’s supposed to and things are passing through this barrier inappropriately, invading or getting in places where they don’t belong.

Dr. Horsley: Exactly

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