Symptoms Related to Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky Gut can present in many different symptoms. As may be assumed, most are related to the gut: pain, bloating, indigestion… However, many symptoms that are also related to Leaky Gut aren’t associated to the gut at all, but are related to the skin, lungs, sinuses, and brain. So those chronic allergies, sinus infections, or skin rashes may be related to what’s going on in your gut.

Dr. Hayden and Dr. Horsley will help to clear up some of these questions as they begin this series, “Leaky Gut Syndrome – Your Symptoms Could be Directly Associated with Your Diet”. You will learn about what leaky gut is, what the symptoms are, how it is diagnosed, what the best treatment options are, and common conditions tied to leaky gut. These videos will be released over the next couple days on our youtube account, facebook account, and as a blog post on The Hayden Institute website.

Transcript From our Video on Symptoms of Leaky Gut:

Dr. Horsley: So we’ve been doing this mini-series on Leaky Gut. So far we’ve talked about what is Leaky Gut and how it may be related to other systems in the body. However, today we want to dive much deeper into what are certain symptoms that you may be presenting with that will give you a better idea if this condition is something that may be going on in your life. So if someone was questioning that maybe they have Leaky Gut, what type of symptoms may they present with?

Dr. Hayden: The most common symptoms that come in from someone who experiences Leaky Gut would be digestive related things. Obviously, with digestive related complains, bloating, distention, gas, alternating diarrhea and constipation, an inability to absorb their foods, or food sensitivities may be common symptoms. Patients will come and say, “well every time I eat this food I feel bad, but every time I eat these other foods I don’t feel so bad.” These are common digestive related ones, but it can expand a little bit more from there.

Dr. Horsley: So as what Dr. Hayden said, there’s a lot related to the gut, as you would expect, however, because those other systems we’ve talked about that have similar barrier systems (skin, lungs, sinuses, and brain). Symptoms in these areas may also lead you to think that Leaky Gut may be an issue. So we mentioned the blood-brain barrier before. So if we have a little bit of brain fog, lapse in memory, or even sometimes related to dizziness or just not feeling fully present, these can be a symptoms of a potential gut issue. Also, related to the lung or sinus cavity – if you have a lot of allergies, asthma, or you notice an increased sensitivity to smells as walking down the perfume aisle at a department store, these may also be issues that may signal a gut issue. There are also some skin related symptoms that may be seen.

Dr. Hayden: That’s right, so things like eczema or skin rashes can be related to the digestive system. Also, we talked about before, leaky gut sometimes means leaky skin, leaky lungs, leaky sinuses, leaky brain… so if one of those five barriers goes down, many times we’ll see overlap and symptoms within the other ones as well.

Be sure to watch our prior episode in the Leaky Gut Series:

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