A Healthy Diet, Paleo Lifestyle, Healthy Kids and the MyPlate System

“One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn’t belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?

“The United States Department of Agriculture introduced the MyPlate system in June 2011 in order to encourage individuals to eat a more balanced and “healthy” diet.  Unfortunately, many of their recommendations continue to encourage grains and other inflammatory foods in the Standard American Diet (SAD).In our family, and in our office, we focus on a no grain/Paleo lifestyle that has been shown to effectively help individuals to lose weight, balance hormones, increase their energy, get better sleep, reduce the effects of diabetes and high blood pressure, along with multiple other symptomatic improvements. As a parent of a 6, 4, and 2 year old. We frequently hold discussions around the dinner table about how food affects our body, why we do not eat grains, and we help them to identify the effects of the “cheat days” or “special occasions” where they do eat a cupcake, or pizza or something else that rarely enters our home. To see our kindergartner report to us that he was offered cookies at school but turned them down because they were not gluten free is a great thing to see.  He is learning the value of food, and the cause/effect that it has in his own life. He knows that gluten will cause him to have a tummy ache, that dairy makes him have earaches, and Hooter’s french fries/chicken wings will cause him to get violently sick and throw up all over the place (Dad had a weak moment while babysitting during March madness a few years ago…).

+Joanne Preston wrote an excellent blog post sharing the experience of what she did with her child regarding the MyPlate system, and the Paleo/Primal lifestyle that they live in their home. Check out her blog post here:


My Plate and Schools….What We Did in Response!
So….this is a topic that gets me a bit A LOT Fired Up! Here is a pic from the My Plate website. This is the government site that tells you and I what we should be eating, because really that is ……