What is the Root Cause of My Migraines?

What is the Root Cause of My Migraines?
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Unfortunately, it is all too common to find someone routinely impacted by migraines. Migraines can range from being a moderate discomfort to debilitating. For many individuals, the only rest they can achieve is when they spend a full day locked in a dark, quiet room. The impact of these migraines is not only limited to the physical body ā€“ but also take a toll emotionally ā€“ altering demanding schedules and compromising family relationships.

Treatment of migraines is a major frustration in the medical field because often there are many things contributing to their source. The best way to manage migraines is by targeting as many of the root causes as possible. Some of the root causes can be from:


            Hormone Imbalances

            Structural Imbalances


           Liver Toxicity


Many migraine sufferers realize they have different foods that tend to stimulate migraines. Some of the most commonly reported dietary triggers are: aged cheeses, salty foods, MSG, and processed foods. However, there are many other foods that may lead to increased sensitivity to migraines. For many, it is the overall increased level of inflammation in the body that initiates a migraine attack. Therefore, it may not be a specific food, but a combination of several different foods that collectively have a negative impact on the body. Some of these top inflammatory foods or food groups are: gluten, casein, corn, soy and artificial sweeteners. Therefore, limiting these as best as possible can help to decrease the additive affect of these foods on the body.

Hormone Imbalances

Fluctuations in estrogen and blood sugar swings have also been seen to be a factor in migraine frequency and severity. Many women of child bearing years notice they have increased frequency of migraines in relation to their period. This demonstrates that there is a relationship between the cyclical nature of female hormones and the occurrence of migraines. Often these hormone imbalances can be affected through optimizing different lifestyle and dietary factors, such as sleep, stress management and detoxification. For more specific details on natural methods of treatment, see our prior blog post, The Effect of Menopause on Thyroid Function.

That blood sugar roller coaster that leaves us relying on caffeine to get through the day is another big factor in the occurrence of migraines. This dramatic repeated rise and fall of blood sugar levels directly stimulate the production of inflammatory cytokines. These are little chemical messengers that alter hormonal function. By optimizing blood sugar handling within the body, inflammation can decrease and communication within our nervous system and hormonal system can be enhanced. Finding a medical provider that is well versed in functional nutrition, specifically related to blood sugar management and decreasing inflammation, would be an incredible asset to your health and wellness team.

Structural Imbalances

There is a very intricate network of nerves throughout the head and neck. Chronic injuries, muscle spasms, and arthritis impact the integrity of this vital network. Due to compensation patterns, muscle imbalance, and inflammatory healing mechanisms, excess pressure and inflammation is placed on these nerves. This compromises the ability of these nerves to communicate together. Chiropractic and acupuncture directly stimulate healing through increasing blood flow to the area and correcting structural imbalances. This increase in blood flow benefits in a two fold fashion ā€“ it brings healing mediators directly to the area and then filters out the waste products and toxins, cleansing the tissues. Chiropractic and acupuncture are great methods of treatment for decreasing frequency and severity of migraines.


Often migraines are triggered by emotional or physical stress. Many individuals report that after a long day at the office or a fight with a spouse that they know a migraine will be coming on. Be sure to take time each day for you. Even if that time is only a couple of minutes.

Some options that may work to lower your stress levels:

  • Deep breathing exercises- be sure to breathe most of the air through your belly
  • Take time to go for a walk out in nature
  • Soak in a warm bath with essential oils
  • Start a gratitude journal- each morning write a different thing that you are grateful for
  • Yoga or mindfulness- just breathing and observing your surroundings

Another component of stress that is often overlooked is physical stress. Exercise, though a great asset for health, is also a stressor. Weight lifting and intense cardio tear muscles. The body then repairs these tissues, adding a little extra, helping to rebuild and add muscle mass. Therefore, it is essential to have enough good fats, minerals, and protein to rebuild these tissues effectively. Working with a trusted physician who understands this natural healing cycle can help to ensure that your body is ready for the level of exercise you desire.

Liver Toxicity

Liver health is important for overall hormonal health. The liver is in charge of hormone activation, immune function, detoxification, and metabolism. As the liver becomes increasingly burdened, toxins begin to build and function begins to decrease. This buildup of toxins has been associated with migraines in some individuals. For some, a liver cleanse can help with decreasing the frequency and exacerbation of migraines. Not all liver cleanses are created equal, therefore, it is important to find a medical provider that is well versed in the roles of the liver in proper hormonal health and functional nutrition.

Often the best way to manage migraines is through a combination of several of the above techniques. Taking control of your health through chiropractic, acupuncture, dietary and lifestyle changes can revolutionize your wellness journey.