Dr. Hayden Returns to Houston’s Paleo-Primal Meetup Group

On Tuesday, December 16, 2014, Dr. Chase Hayden was once again invited to speak to Houston’s Paleo and Primal Meetup Group. Members of the paleo group participated in a presentation that lasted for about 45 minutes in the office of The Hayden Institute. Some local celebrities in the Houston paleo meetup group were in attendance, including Jason M., one of the founders of Elite HRV and the paleo meetup group organizer. Also in attendance was Jef Fry, one of the co-hosts for the popular blog and podcast, “Health Nuts Anonymous.” The presentation was recorded, and is available to view on the office YouTube page, as well as on this page. Enjoy:

Are you in need of a speaker? Contact us and we can create a presentation that fits your group, organization, and participants.