Breech Baby, Chiropractic, & Acupuncture: Webster Treatment

Breech Baby, Chiropractic, & Acupuncture: Webster Treatment

Many women, throughout the history of the world, have waited with anticipation for the day when they may attain the title of ‘Mother’.  From childhood, these women practice with dolls, friends and family, reading books, and taking classes, preparing for the time that they bring a new life into the world.  On occasion, however, mishaps arise.  One of these mishaps is known as a Breech Baby.  This occurs when the neonate is positioned so that the feet or buttocks would exit first as opposed to the normal head first presentation.  The breech baby, or bottom-down positioned baby, can be hazardous to the baby during the process of a vaginal birth.

One of the complications of a breech baby, is the possibility of umbilical cord prolapse.  During delivery, the breech baby cannot completely fill the space of the dilated cervix, and once the water breaks, it is possible for the umbilical cord to drop down and become compressed.  This  decreases the flow of oxygen to the breech baby causing an emergent delivery, typically by cesarean section (C-Section).  The lack of oxygen to the infant can lead to severe brain damage such as cerebral palsy or death.

A baby’s passing through labor in the proper head-down position usually experiences gradual molding of the skull over the course of labor.  However, in the breech position, sudden compression and decompression may injure the brain due to the rapid passage of the baby’s head through the mother’s pelvis. Some researchers believe there is a relationship between a breech baby  and autism.

When attempting to deliver a breech baby vaginally, the Ob-Gyn/midwife may compress the abdomen in an attempt to grasp the child.  This can potentially cause internal organ, spine, or spinal cord damage.

To assist in the deliverance of these babies, Ob/Gyns and midwives may refer their clients to chiropractors to help.  In our office, we use a method known as Webster’s Technique developed by Dr. Larry Webster.  Using this method, we assess the pelvic structure and ligaments associated.  Making corrections to the pelvic joints and releasing pressure in certain ligaments restores neuro-biomechanics and frequently facilitates optimal positioning of the baby.  We also stimulate different acupuncture points with both needle and moxibustion, which have also been shown to have similar effects.

Dr. Reece Hayden, a board certified chiropractor and acupuncturist is able to assist in helping mothers and breech babies during pregnancy at our southern location, located at the Pearland birthing center: Rite of Passage


Dr. Reece Hayden graduated from Texas Chiropractic College in Pasadena, TX. He is the head doctor at the Pearland location of The Hayden Institute, where he specializes in weight loss and acupuncture treatments. He is also a licensed doctor of chiropractic, and is trained in quantum neurology rehabilitation and applied clinical nutrition.