Obesity, Weight Loss, and Diet: Being Overweight is Killing Us

Obesity, Weight Loss, and Diet: Being Overweight is Killing Us

Recent studies indicate that over one-third of the adults in America are obese, having a body mass index (BMI) over 30.  Among U.S. youth between the ages of 2 and 19, 12.5 million also experience obesity. There are many theories, and explanations for the dramatic increase in weight.  Some include genetically modified foods (GMO foods), increased sugar consumption, lack of physical activity, fast food, autoimmune conditions, genetics, chemicals and additives, and even side effects of medications.  One thing is sure though, in the last 20 years, there has been a significant increase in obesity.

In 2010, every state in the United States had an obesity rate of at least 20%, while 12 states (Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and West Virginia) had an obesity rate of over 30%!  Obesity, and the associated health problems that accompany weight gain, have an estimated cost of over $80 billion per year. Elevated cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, strokes, neuropathy, digestive issues, skin problems and pain are common health concerns that obese individuals have.  In addition to these health concerns, last year nearly 300,000 people died as a result of obesity, and it is currently the #2 preventable cause of death in our country.  The solution: weight loss.

Most patients that are overweight enter our office with a desire to “get back on track.”  The majority of the obese patients that we see, began gaining weight as they aged.  Their activity levels dropped, and their dietary decisions changed to be more convenient in order to meet their lifestyle. Fast paced, high stress careers, shuttling the kids to their various activities, and poor quality foods eventually catch up to all of us.  Many patients that desire weight loss have tried a variety of diets and exercise programs to no success. Most are frustrated with their body and want to know why they are not losing weight.  In our office we help patients that are over weight to find the appropriate program for them.

Jennie Craig, Weight Watchers, South Beach and other programs may work for some individuals, but do not consistently work for every person, every time.  For many patients that experience obesity, having a desire to lose weight, and minor dietary changes are not enough.  Through specific laboratory tests we are able to screen for nutritional imbalances that are creating barriers to healing. In some instances, blood tests are used to identify inflammatory foods hindering the weight loss process.  Through customized dietary programs, nutritional support based on laboratory testing, and time, many of our obese patients are able to see great changes.

Take control of your health.  Determine your BMI, identify the health concerns you are experiencing, and decide today to make a change.  Albert Einstein claims that someone that does the same thing over and over again, yet expects a different result is insane.  What are you doing to day, that you have been doing over and over again, that is contributing to the way you feel.  It is time to make a change, and we can help you overcome obesity.