Heart Rate Variability Testing

Heart Rate Variability Testing

When measuring the electrical signals of the heart an electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) is used. An ECG/EKG measures the electrical signals through the heart from the nerves that control it. As the electrical signals are recorded, doctors are able to evaluate if the heart muscles have been damaged or not. A typical ECG/EKG has the following appearance:

ECG Example

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) measures the beat to beat variations of the heart rate. Where ECG/EKG testing is able to evaluate the actual heart muscles, HRV testing evaluates the body’s ability to adapt to physical and mental stress. This is possible by evaluating the time between heart beats as various functions are performed. An example of the HRV’s ability to measure the time between the heart beats is below:

HRV Example

Graphing the time difference between heart beats provides vital information that is formulated to provide your Physical Stress Index, Mental Stress Index, Cardiac Index, Vascular Index, Fitness Index, Functional Age, and the Health Risk Percentage based on the stress tests. The HRV not only provides valuable insight to the doctors performing the test, but also is used to measure your improvements while under care.

At The Hayden Institute, we specialize in nerve rehabilitation. Through the use of specific Quantum NeurologyRehabilitation techniques, whole food based nutrition, gentle chiropractic care, and exercise management we rehabilitate both the nerves that control the heart, and the heart muscles themselves. By using the Heart Rate Variability test to monitor your progress, we are able to see if certain activities can be included in your rehabilitation program, as well as track your improvements.

The best part of the Heart Rate Variability test is that everyone benefits from it. This is not a test for only those that have heart trouble. Athletes, children, and “everyday people” can evaluate the different stresses that are affecting the nerves that control the heart.