Quantum Neurology and Chiropractic Care for Puncture Wounds

Quantum Neurology and Chiropractic Care for Puncture Wounds

When you see the image below, do you think about visiting a chiropractor, nutritionist, or quantum neurologist after the object has been removed?

Foot X-Ray with Puncture Wound

This past week, a 12 year old boy was brought into our office that could barely walk, and on crutches after lodging a screw into the bottom of his foot.  After an exciting trip to the ER where the screw was removed, and tetanus shots were administered, he was told to go home and let it heal.  Pain, swelling, and hypersensitive tissues surrounding the area of injury prevented the young man from moving around, and his “good” leg was starting to hurt from hobbling around his home, and improper use of his crutches.

In our office, we began using concepts from Quantum Neurology rehabilitation in order to begin rehabilitating the area of injury.  There are a variety of sensory nerves that are injured from a puncture wound, including the neurological representation of  light touch, deep touch, pain, pressure, and vibration.  Through sensory rehabilitation, this 12 year old was able to apply full weight on his foot, and begin moving without the use of his crutches.

He continued to have and altered gait, and through additional chiropractic and quantum neurology rehabilitation procedures, we began strengthening his gait pattern.  Following our second visit, I was able to apply pressure to the bottom of the foot without eliciting pain, and the rang of motion of the ankle, foot, and toes had increased significantly.

Frequently we are told to go home and rest after an injury.  We are told to let time run it’s course.  Many times, through the use of non-invasive therapeutic procedures and concepts from quantum neurology and chiropractic care, we are able to facilitate the healing process, speeding up the recovery time.  The next time you have an injury, contact us to see if we can help you recover faster.

Below are some additional x-rays from the boy’s foot.

Quantum Neurology and Chiropractic for Puncture Wounds

Quantum Neurology and Chiropractic for Puncture Wounds