Cedar City Daily News (Utah) Features Dr. Chase Hayden and Quantum Neurology

The patented systematic way of evaluating and rehabilitating the nervous system was developed by Los Angeles Chiropractor George Gonzales, D.C., QN, following his wife’s back injury.
Techniques used include motor, sensory and visceral rehabilitation and various light therapy devices.
“We evaluate every nerve in the body through muscle testing using legs and arms and so forth, based on traditional neurology,” said Hayden. “We also use non-traditional techniques to strengthen the neurological weaknesses that are unique to each patient. It is our belief that strengthening neurological weaknesses allows the body to use its innate ability to heal itself.”
While Andrea Bunting doesn’t completely understand QN, she is convinced that it works. Her 8-year-old son, T.J, has been afflicted with Hemiparesis since birth. The condition, which can be caused from a stroke, illness or disrupted blood flow to the brain, has left T.J. with partial paralysis on the left side of his body.
She began bringing her son to Smith Chiropractic and Natural Wellness Center on the recommendation of her mother who had been treated there with positive results. Since August, Bunting said T.J. has improved remarkably in his walking and has increased use of his left hand which formerly was kept in a clenched fist.
“After the second adjustment and QN treatment T.J. could use the full motion of his left arm at swimming lessons this summer,” Bunting said. “He used to only be able to bring it half way like a chicken wing but now he can actually bring it all the way around like a regular swimming stroke.”
Most impressive to Bunting has been T.J.’s use of his eyes that have been experiencing Amblyopia – more commonly called Lazy Eye. Initially T.J.’s left eye was lazy and his right eye dominant. Now the reverse is true with the left eye dominant and right eye lazy.
“I watch Doctor Hayden have T.J. smell things, choose colored glasses and have him stick out his tongue and all sorts of things that seem odd and strange but it works,” Bunting said. “He couldn’t look to the left at all with his right eye and now he can move both of his eyes, and if we patch the dominant eye, he can read a book and move his eyes up and down, to the right and the left.”
T.J. has also noticed a difference.
“It’s always fun to do this stuff,” he said. “It really helps me with my hand, eyes and legs because I really couldn’t move my hand good but I can now. It’s interesting and really weird, but I feel fine.”
Bunting said she is most grateful that the procedures are non-invasive. At one point, Botox injections and surgery was being considered for T.J. Since experiencing QN, those options are now considered as a last resort, she said.
“Everyone is different and so Quantum Neurology may not work for everyone, but it works for T.J. and that’s what I care about,” Bunting said.
Kari Johnson said QN worked for her, too. She called it “a miracle.” The 40-year-old avid horseback rider suffered a severe accident that left her with a punctured lung, broken ribs and pelvis and fractured ankle. She was in the intensive care unit for a week and dealt with excruciating pain in her whole body for weeks.
“I couldn’t handle the pain any more so I went to see Dr. Smith in June,” Johnson said. “I was very skeptical at first because I didn’t want anyone snapping my bones but Doctor Smith isn’t all about that. He’s about the nerves and pressure points and getting the body to recognize what’s going on.”
Johnson said her three times a week visits have now been decreased to once a week in the last two months because she feels so healthy.
“What Quantum Neurology has done for me is incredible,” she said. “I didn’t bounce back as quick as I had in my youth but Drs. Smith and Hayden have gotten me back on my feet and kept me going.”
Smith said the brain is involved with everything in the body and all its functions so it made sense to him that rehabilitating the nerves to send appropriate signals to the brain would help the body’s natural healing process.
“I don’t know how I ever practiced without Quantum Neurology,” Smith said. “Patients with stroke, Parkinson’s, lower back pain and ADHD are experiencing positive results I’ve never seen before with recovery much quicker and healing much faster. To be a part of something that stimulates the body to heal itself and work more efficiently is a blessing.”
Smith and Hayden are the only Quantum Neurologists in Southern Utah and among 12 world-wide. To learn more visit www.quantumneurology.com.
BY JENNIFER WEAVER • November 10, 2008