To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate… That is a question?

Immunizations can be a touchy subject for many people, and there is a lot of debate as to the long term effects of vaccination, safety of the vaccine ingredients, and short term benefits for scheduled shots and seasonal remedies. Celebrities such as Amanda Peet, Jennifer Garner, Jennifer Lopez, and Salma Hayek are proud spokeswomen for various causes, including tetanus, influenza , pertussis , and more. Other celebrities are just as vocal, preaching against the practice of mass immunization, including: Jenny McCarthy, Bill Maher, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, and Jim Carrey.

Patients, especially newlyweds, and those expecting their first child, frequently ask me if they should immunize their children or not. Sometimes they are shocked by my answer, which is not a “yes” or “no.”

When Stephanie (my wife) and I had our first child, there was plenty of debate, research, and questions involved with our decision. I grew up in a home like most Americans. I went to the Dr. when I was sick, I received most, if not all of the recommended immunizations, and from what I remember, other than the pain of the needle going into my backside, and a little soreness afterward, they were uneventful. Stephanie grew up in a home where a great majority of her pre-teen years, they were in and out of the hospital with her father. He had an immune deficiency disease which eventually lead to a multitude of health problems and eventually his death around the age of 35.

With our background, it would appear to most that there should not be a debate. Except that when you spend 4 years in undergraduate school, and another 3.5 studying a medical profession, you learn a lot of things that make you question the “best” or “healthiest” option out there.

The first time Stephanie and I discussed vaccines, and I told her that I did not believe that we should immunize our children, I was shocked by her immediate, and defensive reaction. In her opinion, withholding immunizations from our children was completely unacceptable. After a few discussions, we both agreed to research our opinion, and present our case to the other person. We also agreed to read the information from the opposing viewpoint with an open mind. After doing this we would discuss our opinions again, and come to an agreement.

After reading multiple books, researching, and discussing our findings, we both decided that for our specific situation, we would opt out of immunizations with our children.

One of the most “convincing” pieces of evidence that helped to change my wife’s opinion on immunizations was when she was able to see the ingredients list from the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). I have attached the list from the CDC’s website in the following pictures.

Vaccine Ingredient List_Page_1
Vaccine Ingredient List – Page 1
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Vaccine Ingredient List – Page 2
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Vaccine Ingredient List – Page 3

Regardless of the reported benefits of the vaccines, we could not justify injecting a newborn, or infant with something that contained: aluminum, aborted fetal tissue, formaldehyde, monkey kidney cells, monosodium glutamate (MSG), thimerosal (contains mercury), food coloring, etc.

When we decided to start having children, we sought medical care from doctors, midwives, and hospitals that were willing to respect the desires that we had regarding our children’s health. Currently, the state of Texas allows for individuals to “opt” out of required immunization programs for religious, medical, and personal preferences.

Before choosing any medical procedure, including the decision to immunize your child, research the pros and cons first. We are grateful for our decisions. They were the best for our family, and our situation. No one should make this medical decision for you. Become informed, and make the decision on your own terms, not those of your hospital, school, or government.

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