Leaky Gut Syndrome and Associated Symptoms

Leaky gut is often associated with digestive related symptoms – bloating, indigestion, pain, and other abdominal related conditions. However, leaky gut can impact several other systems in the body: the lungs, skin, sinuses, and brain. Therefore, symptoms in these other areas can play a role in leaky gut syndrome.

Dr. Hayden and Dr. Horsley discuss this in more depth as well as cover several other key concepts as they continue this series, “Leaky Gut Syndrome – Your Symptoms Could be Directly Associated with Your Diet”. You will learn about what leaky gut is, what the symptoms are, how it is diagnosed, what the best treatment options are, and common conditions tied to leaky gut. These videos will be released over the next couple days on our youtube account, facebook account, and as a blog post on The Hayden Institute website.

Transcript from Video on Leaky Gut Syndrome and Associated Systems:

Dr. Hayden: In our last video we talked a little about what leaky gut is, that through the process of inflammation our digestive system no longer maintains its integrity and the barrier is weakened so things can now pass through more freely than what it should. From a standpoint of other systems in our body, the barrier system isn’t unique to just the gut. What are some of the other barrier systems that are similar to the gut that could also become leaky or not work as efficiently as they should?

Dr. Horsley: It is important to remember what these barrier systems are for. They are to protect your body. So any part of your body that has exposure to the outside world would need to have this barrier system. This will be your skin, your sinus cavity, your bronchioles in your lungs, and your gut. So all of these different systems are going to need to have a barrier system to keep them safe. Therefore, if one of your barrier systems start to break down, if you feel like your starting to have leaky gut symptoms, its very common to also have other symptoms related to these other barrier systems – potentially a rash or boils on your skin, or a chronic sinus infection, breathing issues, or chronic respiratory conditions. These could each be a factor when you’re having leaky gut.

Dr. Hayden: So leaky gut isn’t just leaky gut: it could be leaky lungs, leaky skin, leaky sinuses… leaky anything… anything that has this interaction with the outside world, like you said. So its very common, then, to have digestive problems, skin problems, lung problems, or sinus problems with a potential leaky gut syndrome. Another system that has a barrier system that is important is the brain – the blood brain barrier. It is a very common barrier that can be compromised leaky to symptoms such as brain fog, fatigue, and other things of that nature. So this is another system that will often present with symptoms while we are also having digestive related or skin related symptoms.

Dr. Hayden: So leaky gut could also be termed leaky lungs from some people, leaky skin for other people, leaky sinus for some, and leaky brain for others. These five barrier systems are super important to keep their integrity. Usually we will see if one goes, then symptoms start to occur in the others.

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