Managing Tension Headaches through Chiropractic and Dietary Modifications
Headaches can be a debilitating condition, impacting not only the ability to perform job functions, but also the ability to be present for family and friends. One type of headache that is all too common is a tension-type headache. This headache presents as a deep pressure or dull, achy sensation that encircles the head. They can vary in frequency, intensity, and duration, and are usually accompanied by tightness and tenderness throughout the neck and shoulder muscles.
Headaches can have many different forms of triggers; however, the medical community has identified a key trigger in tension-type headaches to be stress. Several other triggers may also exist, such as long hours sitting at a desk, poor posture, eye strain, illness or infection, and caffeine. Clinical experience has also found correlation between these type of headaches and digestive complaints.
The most common treatment given is over the counter or prescription medication for pain management, muscle tension, or depression. Unfortunately, the relief from these resources doesn’t seem to last due to the chronic underlying root problem still being present. Symptom-driven medications are generally not designed for frequent use (2+ times per week). Overuse of these medications can potentially exacerbate the problem due to their sedative and habit-forming nature. A great approach to treating this form of headache without the potential side effects is with chiropractic care, acupuncture, and dietary modifications.
Chiropractic care can offer pain reduction through spinal adjustments and soft tissue manipulation. When a chiropractic adjustment is performed, natural pain killers, endorphins and enkephalins, are released. Additionally, an adjustment stimulates blood flow to the area, ushering in proteins and minerals for healing. A 2018 report in the Journal of Family Medical Primary Care (JMPC) found that chiropractic care played a large factor in decreasing frequency, duration, and severity of tension headaches.
Acupuncture is also a great resource for tension headaches. Insertion of small needles into specific sites in the body stimulates a cascade of endorphins and enkephalins. The needles signal the brain to increase blood flow to the affected areas, helping to relax the musculature there. Additionally, acupuncture has been shown to be very beneficial for the stress response by regulating the central and autonomic nervous systems.
Nutrition and dietary changes are often an overlooked aspect of headache recovery, and can be a very important component for treatment. Often, blood pressure dysregulation and gall bladder dysfunction can manifest as headaches. Assessing the location involved and having a full history can help to identify if there is an organ dysfunction correlation.
Combatting headaches through a holistic approach, with several different natural methods, can lead to much faster recovery and long term relief. At The Hayden Institute, we believe the best way to reach optimal health is by identifying and treating the root cause, resulting in long lasting wellness.
Chu, E. P., & Ng, M. (2018). Long-term relief from tension-type headache and major depression following chiropractic treatment. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 7(3), 629. doi:10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_68_18