Patient Appreciation Day and Christmas Food Drive for Cypress Assistance Ministries

Cypress Assistance Ministries Food Drive
Cypress Assistance Ministries Food Drive

We are proud to announce our first Patient Appreciation Day and food drive, benefiting Cypress Assistance Ministries (CAM), in honor of the late Joan Chirstiansen. Joan Christiansen was the Executive Director at Cypress Assistance Ministries, and an enthusiastic patient at The Hayden Institute. We as asking patients to bring non-perishable food to the office of The Hayden Institute during the regular office hours. Food will be collected until Saturday, December 20 at 1:30 pm. At the conclusion of the food drive, Drs. Chase, and Reece will then deliver the collected food to CAM, in preparation for their yearly Christmas kitchen.

In addition to the food drive that will benefit Cypress Assistance Ministries, practitioners at The Hayden Institute will be donating their time and services to see patients that have contributed to the food drive on Saturday, December 20, from 8:00 am to 1:30 pm. Patients that donate to the food drive, and wish to be seen by one of the health care providers at The Hayden Institute, are encouraged to schedule an appointment with the office location in which they would like to attend. Dr. Reece Hayden, and the Friendswood office can be reached by calling 832-273-5442. Dr. Chase Hayden in the Northwest Houston office location can be reached at 281-826-2685. Patients that schedule an appointment during the patient appreciation day will have their out of pocket expenses waived for office office services. This includes new patient examinations, existing patient reexaminations, chiropractic services, acupuncture treatments (Friendswood location only), rehabilitation procedures, detoxification footbaths, and nutritional assessments.