GOOD DEEDS and Good News!
A patient in the office shared this picture with me from a book that she made for her father. Her father made “GOOD DEED” cards that he would pass out to random individuals when he witnessed the good deeds that …
A patient in the office shared this picture with me from a book that she made for her father. Her father made “GOOD DEED” cards that he would pass out to random individuals when he witnessed the good deeds that …
A patient came in the office with some upper back pain, and lower neck stiffness. In our first visit, he casually mentioned that he had shoulder pain and problems in the past. It turns out that nearly 6 years ago …
Shoulder and Neck Rehabilitation – Great Before and After Videos Read more »
As a Chiropractor, many patients come into the office looking for pain relief. As a general rule, we tend to do a pretty good job when it comes to pain relief (even though my opinion is possibly probably a little …