Find Shoulder Pain Relief with Acupuncture

Many individuals have found great relief in their shoulder pain with acupuncture.

Sources of Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can be caused by a number of different conditions:

Shoulder pain from incorrect lifting or a strain often goes away on its own, but some individuals can suffer with discomfort for up to and over 12 to 18 months. There are several drug and non-drug therapies used to help to decrease the perception of pain and swelling.

The conventional medical route often starts treatment with pain killers, steroids, and muscle relaxers as prescribed or taken over the counter. This will help to relax the muscles, with hopes to promote blood flow to the area, to stimulate muscle healing.

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Acupuncture Has Shown Great Benefit For Shoulder Pain

Acupuncture is a non-drug, non-invasive treatment option that has been shown to have great benefit in shoulder pain. Acupuncture helps to stimulate pain reduction by increasing blood flow, reducing muscle tension, and stimulating natural pain killers. To have optimal healing of the shoulder – the muscles, cartilage, and ligaments- the essential building blocks of the muscles need to be able to enter the tissues. Increasing blood flow benefits the body by allowing these essential nutrients to be able to enter the muscles, cartilage, and ligaments. Additionally, each point helps to stimulate natural pain killers, endorphins, resulting in pain reduction and muscle relaxation.

Pain Relief Without the Sting

For most people, when it comes to acupuncture, the first question they ask is: “Will it hurt?” We have had the blessing of having amazing results with countless patients within the office. The greatest surprise for most of them after that first visit is how much more relaxed they feel AND that they often state that they didn’t even feel the needles during treatment. Yes! You heard right- most of them say that they didn’t feel the needles being inserted or removed. This means all of the great pain relieving, muscle relaxing, calming benefits – without discomfort during the process.

Selected Research Associating Acupuncture with Shoulder Pain Relief

Some of the peer reviewed published research associated with acupuncture and pain conditions is pretty significant. Below are some of the statements directly from the medical researchers looking at the effects of acupuncture on shoulder pain:

Do you suffer with shoulder pain? Contact our office today to set up an acupuncture appointment to help resolve your pain: 281-826-2685