Another Reason for a Low-Carb Diet

“Our population at large and the currently operating socio-economic and cultural norms have led to a prevailing high carbohydrate/high starch diet.  This has led to an astronomical increase in obesity – the so-called diabesity

"Excessive calories in carbohydrates and fats consumed but not used are stored in fat cells.  When fat cells become overburdened with stored energy, they secrete substances, or cytokines, that contribute to vascular injury, inflammation, thrombosis, dysfunction, enhanced atherosclerosis, and premature coronary heart disease.  Further, these substances, with increasing weight gain, co-promote insulin resistance, stressing the natural glucose-insulin-insulin receptor relationship such that hyperinsulinemia results, compounding further weigh gain and salt/water handling in the kidney, giving rise to hypertension, an additional serious risk factor to cardiac functional integrity.” – Dr. Ralph Duda Jr. (Oklahoma Heart Institute)

The average American consumes over 20 teaspoons of "added" sugar daily, which is similar to a daily can of soda. Many ingredient labels disguise the added sugars by using a variety of names to describe them, including: brown-rice syrup, corn sweetener, corn syrup, cane juice, , dextrin, dextrose, fructose, fruit juice concentrate, glucose, high-fructose corn syrup, honey, lactose, maltodextrin, malt syrup, maltose, mannitol, syrup, molasses, saccharose, sorbitol, sorghum, sucrose and more.

What are you doing to limit your sugars?

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