Knee Injuries and Conditions: Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS)

The Iliotibial Band is a thickening of connective tissue on the outside part of the thigh and leg. It begins at a muscle near the outer side of your hip, travels down the outer side of your thigh, crosses the outer side of the knee, and attaches to the outer side of your upper shin bone (tibia).  As this band of connective tissue becomes inflamed,  Ilitotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) sets in.

Inflammation usually begins when the band of connective tissue moves inappropriately over the bones of the leg and knee joint leading to irritation, pain, loss of movement, and difficulty walking/running.  This pain and loss of function is generally experienced on the outside of the knee, and can involve a fluid filled sac called a bursa.

Distance runners are more prone to ITBS, but anyone can experience these issues.  There are numerous causes to ITBS including, but not limited to: being bowlegged, poor foot support while running/exercising, an unstable pelvis, improper nerve supply to the muscles supporting the knee and hip, tight muscles of the leg and hip, your legs not being the same length, running on an uneven or sloped surface, and improper warmup/cooldown with exercise.  Another contributing factor to ITBS include large intestine issues (cramping, constipation, diarrhea, etc) due to the sharing of the same nerve supply, and accupuncture involvement.

Our experience has shown that Quantum Neurology Rehabilitation is one of the most effective ways to reduce the symptoms that come with Iliotibial Band Syndrome while at the same time, rehabilitating the area to prevent further injury. Through the specific techniques of Quantum Neurology Rehabilitation, not only to we strengthen the nerves and muscles supporting the area, but we are also able to mobilize the area to support the joints structurally as well.

In cases that present with large intestine involvement, we are able to work with your dietary and nutritional needs to stregthen the area so that your intestines are able to regulate themselves, therefore reducing the stress in the area.  Using whole food based nutrition, we feel that we can help your body to repair itself as it was intended to do.