Can Minor Car Accidents Create Chronic Pain Conditions?

Can Minor Car Accidents Create Chronic Pain Conditions?
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There are many factors that go into the severity of a car accident – the speed of the impact, the conditions of the roads, the type of impact (rear end collision/side impact), and the type of car involved in the accident. In general, higher speed, rear end collisions, on wet roads tend to be on the more severe end of the spectrum. However, that does not mean that an 8 mph rear end collision should not be evaluated. Even this low speed impact can create a whiplash injury, damaging nerves and muscles within the brain and along the neck.

Despite the impact that a car accident has on the body, at times individuals don’t feel significant levels of pain following an accident. They may feel a little “shaken up”, but don’t describe having debilitating symptoms. However, this lack of symptoms does not necessarily mean that they are in the clear.

An 18-year-old female presented to our office after a car accident. Their vehicle was impacted from the rear while traveling about 45 mph. When she presented for care following the incident she stated that she didn’t feel a significant amount of pain in any region, only slightly anxious. However, upon examination, it was determined that she had a significant amount of muscular weakness and positive orthopedic findings. She was shocked at the impact that the accident had on her body. At her age, much of the dysfunction and pain was masked, however, the underlying damages were still present. Thankfully, she came into the office to be evaluated, otherwise many of those underlying damages may have had lasting repercussions as she ages.

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This clinical case is very important to take note of. It demonstrates that pain is not the only indication that damage has occurred. This is especially important to acknowledge in children, because of how malleable their nervous systems are and how quickly they heal. There could be significant damage that their nervous system is covering up and often may show up as pain 10 – 15 years down the road.

Therefore, no matter how minor the accident may appear, if you or someone you know has been involved in a car accident, be sure to have them evaluated by a doctor of chiropractic.